I have a number of skills and interest areas that can contribute to changing the world.

Training & Workshops

I am on a mission to change the world, one client at a time by helping people to live a life with purpose. 

I offer three masterclasses to groups and organisations to move you through this journey.

For these sessions I combine my knowledge and expertise as a transformational coach and communications specialist to offer something truly unique and different in the space:

  • Find Your Purpose - want to create a more fulfilling life, one with greater meaning and personal understanding? This session is for you. Unlock the tools to reach your potential, it’s time to get to know thyself!  

  • Live Your Purpose - now you’ve an understanding of how to live in alignment with your values, talents, skills and passions, we need to bed in and reinforce positive behaviours and habits so you don’t get stuck and continue to take action

  • Communicate Your Purpose - learn how to make your personal brand or organisation more memorable and meaningful. This is perfect for anyone who hates the idea of self promotion & PR, we’ll cover off mindset training as well as the communication basics to get you started

Podcasts & Webinars

I am super passionate about workplace wellbeing. That’s why I trained as a yoga instructor and also became a life coach. 

Lack of confidence, stress and burnout have been a big influence in my life. I struggled a lot in school with learning and I took that baggage into the workplace. 

But I’m a firm believer we learn the most from our biggest struggles in life, so I’ve got a lot to share on this topic.

  • I actively campaign for life balance, and challenge the narrative which distinguishes between work and life. To live in harmony with ourselves and our environment these entities need to be considered as one

  • I’m anti hustle culture, stop glamorising performative workaholism as a lifestyle, it’s toxic and can lead to burnout 

  • I don’t think there is a place for the 24-hour ‘we should always be on and available’ creative agency attitude 

  • I think leaders have a responsibility to set the tone and organisational culture

  • I believe we all have a personal responsibility to take care of ourselves, get to know and understand our own limits and where we need to set our professional and personal boundaries 

They key areas I talk about are

1. Building resilience for a life extraordinary

2. How to avoid burnout but keep being you

3. How to live a life with purpose

Bloody Big Brunch.jpg

I have spoken and campaigned for personal causes and passion areas including my love of yoga as well as period poverty and menstrual justice. 

Here’s a snapshot of some of my work:


Menstrual Justice

Period Poverty, Bloody Marys and Taking Women Seriously w. Bloody Big Brunch -podcast interview with Vulva La Revolution

Putting the issue of period poverty on the menu - TV interview

7 Things You Need To Know About Period Poverty - HuffPost interview

Passion Project - Yoga is for Everyone

Voices of Yoga - podcast interview

Yoga Festival for mental health -Glasgow Live

There's a new pop-up yoga studio at the top of the Argyll Arcade -Glasgow Live



4 minutes with me - interview

A New Way to Listen - TEDx content piece